Take Action on Dumbarton Trail

As we shared early last month, SamTrans does not recommend a multiuse trail on the Dumbarton right of way from Redwood City Caltrain to Dumbarton Bridge in the Draft Corridor Study. SamTrans is hearing that residents are concerned with the lack of a trail on the Draft Study. SVBC is working with a coalition of other non-profit groups to overcome the technical reasons that a trail wasn’t recommended and we need your help to keep the pressure on.

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This Week: Pop-up Protected Bikeway Demo in San José

This week, the City of San José is hosting a team from the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) to help create world-class streets and a premier bicycling network in San Jose. NACTO is bringing staff and experts from Vancouver, Atlanta, and Chicago to advise San José staff and elected officials on how to build great public spaces and bicycle facilities that are comfortable for people of all ages and abilities. The work is starting with a network of facilities in the greater downtown area, to compliment and enhance the existing network the City has been expanding rapidly in the last five years. The City and SVBC would appreciate community involvement and feedback! Join us on Wednesday for a Community Roundtable Workshop, Thursday for a Happy Hour, or Friday for a Pop-up Protected Bikeway Bike Tour.

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Connecting Our Communi..., Notes Deanna Chevas Connecting Our Communi..., Notes Deanna Chevas

2017 Supporter Survey Findings: Your Bicycle/Transportation Habits, Concerns, and Thoughts

Last year we distributed a similar survey to our SVBC Members base, but this year we decided to expand our reach and get the opinions and thoughts of all our supporters to help us understand the bigger picture. We want to know more about all our supporters and how we can be the best bicycle coalition around – and reach our goal of seeing 10% of trips taken by bike by 2025.

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Palo Alto’s Bridges – We Count on You

Palo Alto Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PABAC) volunteers maintain pedestrian-bicycle counters at two popular bridges, El Palo Alto Bridge in the northwest of the city and Willkie Bridge on the southeast. Orphaned by the city, the counters have three years of expected life left and are used to determine how many people use these facilities for healthy transportation.

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Announcing the 2017 Silicon Valley Bike Summit Award Winners

For the second year, we are presenting awards for the following categories at the Silicon Valley Bike Summit on August 8 in Mountain View. We held open, online nominations in May 2017 and voting in June 2017. Come to the event to honor the award winners, who will all also be participating in panels at the Bike Summit!

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Palo Alto City Council Approves $9.6 Million for Bike Boulevard Network Construction

Palo Alto, the home of the legendary Ellen Fletcher Bike Boulevard, just approved an astounding $9.6 million for the construction of a network of new bike boulevards. The reimagined streets will utilize speed bumps, chicanes, and roundabouts to create low-stress corridors along 7 miles of streets where bicycle travel is prioritized over driving.

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