Palo Alto City Council Approves $9.6 Million for Bike Boulevard Network Construction

Palo Alto, the home of the legendary Ellen Fletcher Bike Boulevard, just approved an astounding $9.6 million for the construction of a network of new bike boulevards. The reimagined streets will utilize speed bumps, chicanes, and roundabouts to create low-stress corridors along 7 miles of streets where bicycle travel is prioritized over driving. This contract is for construction of roughly half of the Bike Boulevard Network laid out in the city's 2012 Bicycle & Pedestrian Transportation Plan and includes Amarillo Avenue, Bryant Street, East Meadow Drive, Montrose Avenue, Moreno Avenue, Louis Road, Palo Alto Avenue, and Ross Road. The other bike boulevards will be implemented in 2018.The SVBC Palo Alto Team adopted implementation of the bike boulevard network as its primary campaign almost four years ago. Through a combination of grassroots advocacy and close work with SVBC and city staff, the result will be a world-class network of bicycle facilities. Congratulations to the residents of Palo Alto and our own Local Team members!The City’s budget was also discussed at this meeting. Funding for bike projects including the long-awaited Charleston-Arastradero safety improvements and Safe Routes to Schools remain intact for the next fiscal year.


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