Low Stress Bike Networks
The small-town nature of Silicon Valley means that you may live in one city, work in another, and do your errands in a third. It is our goal to expand transportation options by making sure that people and families of all ages and abilities can get to all your destinations in a safe, comfortable and convenient way – on a bike! We would like to connect our communities, from end to end. This means working with cities and the counties to improve local bike facilities and routes, and ensure that they are working to fill in the gaps and make their jurisdiction a welcoming place for people to choose a bike as transportation. These types of campaigns focus on implementing city bike plans, creating neighborhood bikeways, improving local streets and creating North-South bike routes.
Policy Goals:
Prioritize low stress facilities everywhere with an emphasis on low-income communities and communities of color
Protected bike lanes/micromobility lanes
Protected intersections everywhere
Prioritize bike boulevards
There are safe and comfortable barrier crossings, freeways (101 and 280) and Caltrain (grade separations) for people walking and biking. See here for a map of safe crossings.
Slow Streets and School Streets, in which car traffic is limited on residential streets, is implemented in every city
# of bike facilities
% bike mode share
Projects and mode share in low-income communities and communities of color
Focus on east-west and north-south routes including El Camino Real, Middlefield Road, Bay Trail, and VTA Bike Superhighways
Remove on-street car parking for protected lanes
Narrow car lanes and add road diets to create space for bike lanes
Active transportation (biking, walking, micromobility) improvements are funded at a city, county, regional, and state level
Network Priority Tool can help cities and residents prioritize the most impactful projects
Implement Idaho Stop laws in each city
Implement no stop when cross the top of T-intersection ordinances
Dumbarton Rail Corridor Trail
SVBC will work to ensure bicycle facilities on the Dumbarton Corridor and high quality bicycle connections to the trail and the bridge.
El Camino Real Bikeways
Slow Streets
Safe & Comfortable Freeway Crossings
Network Priority Tool
Bikeway Design
Cities’ Bike/Ped Plans
Protected Bike Lane factsheet
Road Diet factsheet
Silicon Valley Bike Vision
Google Bike Vision
Past Campaigns
San José Better Bikeways 2020
Santa Clara San Tomas Creek Trail at Levi’s Stadium gameday access
San Mateo County Measure W transportation ballot measure/SMCTA Strategic Plan
Santa Clara County Measure B/VTA Complete Streets policy
San José Willow Glen Lincoln Ave. bike lanes
Millbrae Station Area Specific Plan
South San Francisco Downtown Precise Plan