Update on SCC’s Measure B Education & Encouragement Funds

This blog post was written by SVBC's high school intern Emily Olson. It was updated on March 4, 2021 to include more cities in the table below.

Measure B funds are being put to work! As many of you know, Measure B was passed in 2016 and, through the Valley Transportation Authority, allocates funds to cities to improve transportation facilities. SVBC and you were instrumental in passing this measure and making sure there was $ for bike/ped as well as Complete Streets requirements for other funding categories. Please see these past blog posts for more information.

Since April 2017, this 0.5% countywide sales tax has raised over $750 million. This money is distributed across categories of transportation projects, with about $30 million going to bicycle/pedestrian initiatives. Some of this money is being used for capital projects. Please refer to VTA’s comprehensive database for an in-depth look at all these projects, as well as additional information about Measure B. There is also a set aside for each city to spend on education and encouragement programs to engage communities in more sustainable transportation options. The table below shows how some cities have planned to spend these funds. We will be updating this table soon now that all cities have filed their spending plans.

Measure B is a 30-year sales tax, so you can expect to see many exciting projects like these ones for years to come! Don’t forget to continue fighting for transportation improvements in your city, and we hope you are as excited as we are to see changes coming.


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