New Social Ride series brings casual, easy-paced biking fun

Emphasis is on short and interesting routes, plenty of breaks, no one left behind, with experienced leaders

Riders and dog gather for social ride

Riders and a dog gather for a social ride.

Are you a new bike rider — or coming back to bikes after a long break? Are you looking for comfortable, friendly rides that can ease you, your family members or your friends into the joys of riding?

Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition has the rides for you. We’ve just announced our monthly Social Ride series dates for the remainder of 2023. 

Our Social Ride monthly series is aimed at bolstering the comfort, confidence and continuity that supports new-bike-riders, re-riders (someone who used to ride or is dusting off their bike from the garage during the sunnier seasons), youth, older adults, and families.

They’re designed with you in mind — short and interesting routes, casual pace, plenty of breaks, no one left behind, and experienced leaders — perfect for those looking to ride with others and get exposed to different kinds of urban bike riding in Santa Clara County and San Mateo County. 

All of our social rides are free, open to the public, and always include some time pre-ride as folks gather to answer questions, make minor bike adjustments, and ensure helmets are fit and adjusted properly.

The series is suitable for:

  • Any beginner rider who wants to boost their confidence and skills and learn best practices for riding in an urban environment

  • Intermediate rider who wants to solidify their urban cycling skills

  • Advanced riders who want to support less experienced riders in their journey to becoming everyday bike riders

  • Folks looking to make new friends/join the bike community

  • Someone who’d like to volunteer or receive community service hours as a volunteer Ride Leader or supporter

  • People looking to get outside for a fun, social, and educational experience!

Check SVBC’s Social Ride page periodically for updates on themes and activities as well as our Eventbrite registration pages as we near the date of each ride.


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