More info from SVBC

It's recently come to my attention that many of you out in the cycling community would like more news about what's going on at SVBC, and what SVBC staff are working on. We've always leaned more towards the "get things done" side of things than the "talk about what we've accomplished" side of things--after all, there's only so much time in the day--but at this point we've decided to renew our efforts to share the inside scoop with those of you who wish to listen. Call it transparency, call it the sharing of relevant and occasionally interesting information... call it whatever you want--but at our staff meeting yesterday we decided that our goal would be for every staff person to blog at least once a week to share with everyone something they've been working on that might be of interest to the community.

Let's hope it sticks.


Alpine Rd at 280 redesign


Congratulations to our "Influential" executive director!