A year-end appeal from our executive director

Dear Friend of SVBC,

Miles of bike lanes, safe places to park, bike cars on the train and racks on the bus, supportive employers, cities that decide there just might be something to this whole bike thing – these are the results Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition is achieving. We never stop working, so you can keep riding.

That’s because we promote the bicycle at every possible opportunity. We find funding for Safe Routes to School programs that teach children just how great bicycling can be. We work with employers to help make their workplace a great place to be a cyclist. We’ve made it possible to enjoy bike lanes, bike bridges, and peaceful bike paths from Los Gatos to Moffett Field to Woodside. And, when you get where you are going, you find safe places to park your trusty two-wheeler. Throughout a cyclist’s life, and a cyclist’s commute, SVBC is solving many problems and answering many questions. Perhaps more importantly, we’re asking: Why not bike there?

It’s not often that we turn to our members and other friends for donations. Other organizations bombard your mailboxes with monthly appeals to your conscience, creating piles of wastepaper as a result. At SVBC, our love of the bicycle stems in part from our concern for the environment, and so we do our best to limit our paper mail. We value your time, so we also avoid excessive emails. Each year, our only appeal letter is this, our annual request that you consider SVBC in your year-end giving. Will you make a tax-deductible donation to improve bicycling in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties?

Donate Now.

Your donation will be put to use in next year’s campaigns, including advocating for public planning aimed at getting more people on bikes for the first and last miles of their transit commutes, working to put a bicycle advisory committee in every city in our two counties, and fighting to make every highway crossing safe for cyclists.

Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition – We work. You ride. Bikes abound.

Thank you,

Corinne Winter
Executive Director


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