Mountain biking - so fun, somehow controversial

This just landed in the SVBC mail bag. It's a trailer for Pedal Driven, a documentary chronicling the battle between DIY mountain bike trail blazers and the government agencies tasked with protecting the federal lands being illegally striped with singletrack. Now, here at SVBC we strictly do not advocate the breaking of laws. We do, however, often work to get laws changed. In that spirit, I urge you to take a look at the trailer. If you'd like to see the film finished and distributed, throw these folks a couple of dollars. They're a little past halfway toward their $15,000 goal.

One bone to pick with the trailer - "Outdoorsman"? Really? I know a couple of dirt-demolishing outdoorswomen who might take exception with the notion that this is a boys-only activity.


Action alert: San José cyclists - speak up on bike parking


Successful Bike Safety Fair in Redwood City