Eyes on the street - how to make cycling easier and safer

Cahill Park_2Recently, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition published the Diridon Station Bicycling Manifesto, which incorporated improvements we'd like to see made to the Diridon Station Area. As many cyclists who travel through the area know, adequate road conditions are lacking - severely in some spots.

Road maintenance, connectivity issues, and lack of signage are all issues that cyclists face in the area. One typical example is illustrated in the photo above. Bicycle connectivity is lacking on the west side of the station due to recent housing development in the area. San Fernando Street, which provided excellent east/west connectivity, has been closed to auto and bicycle traffic. But why restrict bicycle traffic to the station? Bicycles provide low cost, pollution-free, and quiet access to Diridon Station.

The map below highlights many areas were we feel design and maintenance issues could be addressed to make cycling to and from the station more convenient and much safer. What are your thoughts? Have you encountered any situations that you feel could be improved to make station access safer for cyclists? Remember, when we make the area safer for all cyclists, newer, less experienced riders will begin to ride as well.

View Diridon Station Area in a larger map

Feel free to collaborate on the map by clicking the link to the Google Map. Include photos or comments.


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