Corinne Winter, others, fight nature to become the SunPower King of the Mountain

L to R: SunPower's Jorg Heineman, SVBC's Corinne Winter, San José Councilmember Sam Liccardo, Webcor Builders CEO Andy Ball, Silicon Valley Leadership Group CEO Carl Guardino, Sharkey, and the City of San José's Paul Krutko

Congratulations to our Executive Director, Corinne Winter! On Wednesday, Corinne braved the steep incline of Sierra Road as part of the Webcor Builders Executive Challenge component of the SunPower King of the Mountain. Once at the top, Corinne found the energy to MC the festivities.

Are we there yet? A view from the top.

Congratulations to all who conquered this hellacious hill, and a tip of the hat to the winners:

Women - Leah Toeniskoetter, LGBRC
Men - Christopher Phipps, Morgan Stanley
CEO Female - Debbie Wade, Housing Industry Foundation
CEO Male - Chris Courtney, Oak Valley Community Bank
Executive Female - Christy Holz, REC Solar
Executive Male - Jorg Heinemann, SunPower Corporation
Elected Male - Sam Liccardo, City of San José Councilmember


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