Resolve to be different this year

We all know how disappointing it is to resolve to get in better shape, only to give it up by Valentines day. Why not resolve to be different; to take a summer tour on your bicycle. Start thinking about your tour now and use the next six months to get in shape.

Commute more, or maybe even for the first time. Start the first two miles on bike and then use Caltrain, the light rail train, or BART for the rest of the ride. By keeping your summer goal in mind it will be a lot easier to get in shape and stay fit all year.

This is the perfect time to dream about a summer bike tour. Later on you can decide how many days (or weeks), the distance, supported or unsupported, self-contained or credit card style.

Part of the reason I love bike touring is the ability to really get to know different parts of this continent, the history, the people, the food, the topography, maybe even the language. Whether cycling on the Route Verte in Quebec or cycling down the Pacific coast side of the Baja peninsula, cycling puts you in touch with the locals and the local surroundings more than any other form of travel.

Start by looking at websites, ask friends, study regions of the country you would like to see; but for now just dream. Join the Adventure Cycling Association (ACA). They have an excellent monthly magazine highlighting tours and gear (whether by mountain bike or a traditional touring bike). What they are famous for is not only their wonderful maps but advocating for a continuous network of trails across the U.S. More on the ACA later.

It was about this time two years ago that I read in Bicycling Magazine about the inauguration of a new bike route in Quebec known as french?

Sounded good to me. Oh and did I mentioned that I might need to know a little French.

So resolve now to start thinking, no start dreaming of beautiful bike trails, visiting small farm villages, sampling new local foods, or meeting new people. Resovle to take take a tour this summer.

So even though today is cool, cloudy, and grey I am already dreaming about my next summer trip. In the next few months I will share with you my method for planning your summer bike tour.

Happy New Year.


January 2010 Peninsula Meeting Agenda


Sunnyvale reflects on being a more bicycle friendly city in 2009